About Me


The Formal Version:

My name is Aquila Galusha (uh-key-luh, guh-loo-shuh in  case you were wondering)

I am a computer science, math, and web design major, born in ’94 and raised in a small town that you likely won’t care to remember, called Lamoni, Iowa. I’ve been playing football here at college for the past 3 years and I currently manage a movie theatre in town.

I’ll likely try sneaking football or movie theatres into a post somewhere.

I currently still live in Lamoni. Whenever I say that people seem to feel bad for me. “How could you stand living here for so long?” they ask. Well… it’s just the best place I’ve ever lived… (knee slapper!)

The Other Version:

Cheesecake and peanut butter are quite fantastic, especially when put together.      One time when I was a kid, I picked up a snake and told my mom it was a worm.      And my right pinky toe has ripped a hole through my sneakers.

I got really into computers at a young age playing a game called Math Blasters. A video game that is entertaining and teaches you math at the same time? What a deal right! I couldn’t stay away from it.

I think my mom wanted me to follow in her footsteps (because it worked). She is a computer science professor at the University of Iowa. She is the culprit who gave me the game and sat me down in front of the computer for the first time.


In this blog, I hope to share lots of beneficial information for the everyday computer user as well as some of my personal experiences that apply.

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